
TTLS (Tunneled Transport Layer Security)

EAP Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS) is an EAP protocol that extends TLS. It was co-developed by Funk Software and Certicom and is widely supported across platforms. Microsoft did not incorporate native support for the EAP-TTLS protocol in Windows XP, Vista, or 7. Supporting TTLS on these platforms requires third-party Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) certified software. Microsoft Windows started EAP-TTLS support with Windows 8, however, Windows Phone 8 does not support EAP-TTLS while version 8.1 supports it.

The client can, but does not have to be authenticated via a CA-signed PKI certificate to the server. This greatly simplifies the setup procedure since a certificate is not needed on every client.

After the server is securely authenticated to the client via its CA certificate and optionally the client to the server, the server can then use the established secure connection (“tunnel”) to authenticate the client.

It can use an existing and widely deployed authentication protocol and infrastructure, incorporating legacy password mechanisms and authentication databases, while the secure tunnel provides protection from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attack. Note that the user’s name is never transmitted in unencrypted clear text, improving privacy.

Two distinct versions of EAP-TTLS exist: original EAP-TTLS (a.k.a. EAP-TTLSv0) and EAP-TTLSv1. EAP-TTLSv0 is described in RFC 5281, EAP-TTLSv1 is available as an Internet draft.

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